Energy Efficiency

Buildings contribute to global carbon emissions by 7% which is growing at a rate as fast as adding a new New York city every month for the next 40 years.

Meanwhile electricity contributes to 27% of global carbon emissions. The worldwide energy demand is expected to increase by 50% by 2050 so we need to find new ways to generate, store, and use low-carbon electricity while scaling up existing technologies like wind and solar, advanced nuclear power, geothermal energy, and thermal generation with carbon capture.

Sustainability must be our focus and to achieve that we need to take necessary measures. Carbonblocks also aims for a sustainable future and is offering multiple ways to contribute to it. Reducing our energy usage by increasing the efficiency of the smart devices is how we believe can help in overall reduction in carbon emissions.

We provide energy efficient solutions for smart buildings. Carbonblocks connects smart devices with blockchain to utilize them efficiently. If the user owns smart lighting system, solar PVs, ACs, etc. then Carbonblocks IoT device can be used to monitor the data generated by this systems to calculate energy usage and reward based on total reduction in consumption.

Net Zero Buildings

Going net zero is not quite easy it requires effort to cut back on energy consumption, fuel consumption, using renewable energy for electricity generation and much more. There needs to be a system which can track energy generation such as from solar PVs and energy consumption from the grid or by of any electric appliances. Carbonblocks lets the user track what devices are consuming how much electricity whether it is consuming from the grid or from the solar system as well as it lets the user control the charging of the EVs as well as the power going back to the building from the vehicle (vehicle-to-building).

Net zero is required in commercial buildings and workplaces now more than ever as the carbon emissions are increasing day-by-day. Commercial buildings can be carbon neutral with the right measures taken. Carbonblocks can help in achieving net zero by utilizing the smart devices installed to track and manage energy consumption which can also help in reducing the maintenance cost of the building.

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